Andrea Lebel, Pht
(conférence en 2022)
Andrea has been a practicing Physiotherapist for over 40 years with clinical and hospital experience in all aspects of physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and exercise in orthopedics, geriatrics, and sports injuries. For the past 15 years, her clinical work, teachings, and research has been focused exclusively on scoliosis and all spinal conditions, treating patients from all over Canada and internationally with Scoliosis, Hyperkyphosis, Scheurermann’s disease, as well as Postural dysfunctions. Having Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) herself as a teenager, Andrea underwent conservative treatment in Europe, and has a deep understanding of what teenagers and their families go through when initially diagnosed. She treats all ages, including Early Onset Scoliosis, AIS, and Adult Scoliosis.
The first Schroth Certified Physiotherapist in Canada, Andrea opened the Scoliosis Physiotherapy & Posture Clinic in Ottawa, Canada in 2008, the first fully equipped Schroth Physiotherapy centre in the country. Her personal success with conservative management of Scoliosis reinforced her goal to enhance non-surgical physiotherapy methods for scoliosis rehabilitation, working closely with a global network of surgeons and orthotists. Andrea became a SOSORT member in 2009, volunteered and chaired the SOSORT Communication committee; 2014-2019. Became SOSORT Board member in 2016 until 2022. Secretary of SOSORT 2019-2021, SOSORT President Elect (2) 2021-2022.
Member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Assiociation since 1985. Founder of the annual Scoliosis Awareness Walk Ottawa, a fundraiser of CHEO since 2011. Co-Founder of SSOL, an online platform reaching and teaching through webinars and courses about scoliosis and spinal disorders, sharing education with professionals from 6 continents and close to 100 countries, since 2018.
Dr Jean Théroux, Chiropraticien D.C., PhD
(conference in 2021)
Dr Jean Théroux a gradué du Collège Chiropratique de Toronto (CMCC) en 1984. En 1995, à la suite de l’ouverture du programme chiropratique à Trois-Rivières il est invité à enseigner à temps partiel. En 2006, il est invité à diriger la clinique Universitaire du programme. Il entreprend ses études post-graduées en 2004 à l’Université de Montréal en collaboration avec l’hôpital pour enfants de Sainte-Justine et termine sa maitrise en science biomédicale en relation avec les connaissances et la prise en charge des patients adolescents scoliotiques parmi les médecins généralistes, les pédiatres, les chiropracticiens et physiothérapies. Il obtient son doctorat en 2017 sur l’évaluation de la prévalence de la douleur vertébrale chez les patients adolescents scoliotiques. En 2015, Dr Théroux obtient un poste d’enseignant à l’Université Murdoch en Australie de l’Ouest à Perth ou il enseigne depuis. En 2019 il perfectionne ses connaissances sur la réhabilitation de la scoliose en complétant le programme SEAS « Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis ». Il termine actuellement le «Online Master of Scoliosis - Principles and Practice of Scoliosis conservative Treatment» produit par l’Italian Scientific Spine Institute.
Stefan Parent, MD, PhD
(conference in 2020)
Dr. Stefan Parent, MD, PhD, originally from Trois-Rivières, is a world-renowned pediatric orthopedic surgeon. He is also a clinician-researcher specializing in spinal deformities. He is the principal investigator of many important research projects, including the progression of idiopathic scoliosis, the modulation of spine and rib cage growth, and the development of various experimental animal models. He has contributed to important advances in the field of three-dimensional analysis of scoliosis, in addition to developing innovative treatments that have significantly improved the quality of life of young patients. Dr Parent is also Deputy Head of the Musculoskeletal Diseases and Movement Sciences Axis as well as the Academic Chair in Spine Deformities at CHU Ste-Justine.
Michele Romano, PhT. MRSc.
(conference in 2020)
Michele Romano has been a physiotherapist since 1985 and obtained his Masters in Rehabilitation Science in 2011. He is currently working as a physiotherapist and director of ISICO (Italian Scientific Spine Institute) in Milano, Italy. In the past, he was named president of the SOSORT (Society On Spinal Orthopeadic and Rehabilitation Treatment) and has been a member of GSS (Scientific Secretariat of the Italian Study Group on Scoliosis and Spinal Diseases) as well. Since 1997, he teaches the SEAS method (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) to chiropractors, doctors, physiotherapists, orthotists and trainers all around the world. He also contributed to the writing of many reference books and has been published more than 35 times.
Éric Parent, Ph.D.
(conference in 2018)
Dr. Parent studied physiotherapy at Université Laval and graduated in 1996. He then completed his MSc in Experimental Medicine (Rehabilitation) (Université Laval, 2000) and received his PhD in Rehabilitation Science (University of Alberta) in 2005. His thesis focuses on the development of a measure of lumbar disc contour abnormality on MRI. His first year of post-doctoral work focused on surface topography measures and health-related quality of life questionnaires. His second post-doctoral work took place at the University of Utah, where he conducted a study to find a prediction rule to identify the responders to extension exercises and understand their mechanisms of action. He is now a graduate supervisor at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta. His current research focuses on the Schroth Exercise Method, the measurement properties of surface topography for scoliosis, spinal stiffness and muscle thickness asymmetries in scoliotic patients and the correlation between low back pain and repeated exercises, amongst others.
Carole Fortin, Ph.D.
(conference in 2017)
Dr. Fortin graduated in physiotherapy from the School of Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Medicine at the Université de Montréal in 1983. She worked as a physiotherapist at the CHU Sainte-Justine Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Center in Neurotraumatology, Cerebral motor deficits and musculoskeletal lesions (scoliosis). Dr. Fortin subsequently pursued her research in which she completed a Master's degree in 2003 (study of walking), a PhD in 2010 (development and validation of a posture evaluation tool) and postdoctoral training in 2012 (cerebral mechanisms of posture-motion control). She is currently an assistant professor at the École de Réadaptation at the Université de Montréal and a researcher at CHU Sainte-Justine. She holds a Junior Research Fellow 1 of the Fonds de Recherche du Québec-santé (FRQ-S). Her research interests focus on the understanding of biomechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms for the rehabilitation of posture and movement in children and adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.
Dr Hubert Labelle, MD
(conference in 2016)
Since 1982, Dr. Hubert Labelle has been appointed in the department of surgery at University of Montreal and at Ste-Justine University Hospital (SJUH) where he is currently Professor of Surgery and holder of the Motion Sciences Research Chair at University of Montreal and is currently the Head of Orthopedics at University of Montreal. His clinical work is focused on the evaluation and treatment of spinal deformities in children and adolescents. He was Chief of Orthopaedics at SJUH from 1993 to 2011, the Head of the Musculo-Skeletal Axis of Excellence at SJUH, a multi-institutional and inter-disciplinary team, and the Director of the 3-D Scoliosis Laboratory at SJUH. His research interests are concentrated on the 3-D evaluation and treatment of spinal deformities, with a particular emphasis on computer assisted design, evaluation and simulation of treatment of scoliotic deformities, including bracing or sugery. He also has an interest in the sagittal analysis of spondylolisthesis. Dr Labelle has participated in more than 50 invited professorships and lectureships. In addition, he has over 300 peer-reviewed articles and more than 200 book chapters published.
Jean-Claude de Mauroy, MD
Physiatrist, Polyclinique Orthopédique du Parc, Lyon
Jubilee at SOSORT in 2017 (50 years dedicated to scoliosis)
(conference in 2015)
• Physical Medicine and Functional Reeducation
• Sports Medicine
• Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
• Electromyography
• Manual Medicine, Osteopathy
- From 1973 to 1987 at Centre des Massues – Lyon : in charge of Ambulatory Services for children (36 beds) and Documentation Services under the supervision of Dr. Pierre Stagnara
- From 1987 at Polyclinique Orthopédique du Parc, Lyon : Chief of Orthopaedic Medicine Unit
- Lecturer at Université Claude Bernard Lyon I (Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy, Reeducation Institure, Polytechnique Institute)
- President of European Spine Centre
- Since 1987 sees patients once per month in Palcenza, Bari and Palermo
- Administrator at the Franco-Italian Society of Orthopaedic Medicine
- President of SIRER (International Society on Spinal Studies)
- President of SOSORT (Society On Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment) in 2013.
Martin Simoneau, PhD
Professor at Faculty of Medicine – Department of kinesiology
Research scientist, Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec
Research scientist, Centre d’excellence sur le vieillissement de Québec
(conference in 2014)
Martin Simoneau is a faculty member at the kinesiology department of the medical faculty at Laval University in Québec city. His main interests are the sensorymotor mechanisms associated with balance control and motor development. One of his research themes is the study of the sensorymotor mechanisms in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. His work is supported by the prestigious Yves Cotrel Foundation of the French Institute. Professor Simoneau has achieved a bachelor degree in kinesiology, a masters degree in biomechanics and a doctorate in neuromechanics at Laval university. He has then completed a post-doctorate degree of two years at the Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences of Northwestern University in the USA. Up to this day he has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented his work more than 200 times both locally and internationally.
Dr. Jean-Philippe Pialasse
(conference in 2013)
Jean-Philippe Pialasse est un chiropraticien gradué de l'Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropraxie (IFEC) en 2004. Il détient un permis de pratique en France et au Québec. Au cours de ses 3 années de pratique à Toulouse, il s'est impliqué dans l'administration de l'IFEC pour ouvrir une annexe à Toulouse en septembre 2006. Celle-ci a gradué sa première promotion en novembre 2012. Il a complété une maitrise en activité physique à l'UQTR en 2009, sous la direction de Martin Descarreaux, sur le contrôle neuromusculaire du rachis cervical. Depuis 2010, il est boursier des Fonds de recherche du Québec en Santé (FRSQ), engagé dans le programme de doctorat en kinésiologie de l'université Laval, où il s'intéresse au lien entre le développement et la progression de la scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescent et les anomalies du contrôle vestibulomoteur.
Paul Allard, PhD
(conference in 2012)
Paul Allard is Professor for the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Montreal. Director of the Laboratory for the Study of movement at the Sainte-Justine hospital, he is also interested in the design of orthotics and prosthetic feet. These designs have been exhibited in museums in Quebec and across Canada. Furthermore, he has an interest in studying back mobility in patients with deviations of the spine (scoliosis) or back pain. Paul Allard holds four patents and has authored / co-authored seven books on biomechanics intended for both university students and specialists in three dimensional analysis of human movement. To date Paul Allard has published over 150 articles in various peer reviewed journals. He is listed in Canada's Who's Who list and is also a Knight of Tir-Douzil of Marigny Brisay in France.
Dr. Charles H. Rivard
(conference in 2011)
Dr. Charles Rivard is the co-inventor of the SpineCor® dynamic brace and designer of a surgical instrumentation and procedure without spinal fusion, OrthoBiom. He is the author of 214 scientific publications, 747 scientific papers including 333 international and 12 book chapters in addition to being the recipient of six awards for excellence in the quality of his research work. He was president of the IRSOST (International Research Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology) and head of the department of surgery at the Sainte-Justine Hospital. Dr. Rivard was also a two-time recipient of the prestigious SOSORT award (for conservative treatment of deformities of the spine) awarded for the quality of his work in collaboration with his colleague Dr. Christine Coillard on the treatment of juvenile idiopathic scoliosis (in 2010) and their randomized study of the natural history of scoliosis versus the SpineCor® treatment for AIS (2011).
Dre Christine Coillard
(conference in 2011)
Dr. Coillard is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon specializing in microsurgery, visceral surgery, anatomy and biomechanics. Her greatest contribution to the field of health is certainly the invention of the revolutionary therapeutic principle of the SpineCor® dynamic brace: the corrective movement. She is the author of 57 scientific peer reviewed publications, 171 papers in scientific conferences, the majority being international, and also 5 book chapters. She was director of the trauma center at the Sainte-Justine Hospital and is currently scientific director of The SpineCorporation, manufacturer of the SpineCor® dynamic brace.
Dr. Louise Marcotte
B.Sc., D.C., chiropractor
(conference from 2010 to 2015)
Before receiving her doctorate degree in chiropractic from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) in the year 2000, Dr. Louise Marcotte first obtained a degree in biology from Laval University. From the very beginning, she has focused her practice on the remodeling care for posture, scoliosis and kyphosis using CBP® (Chiropractic BioPhysics) while founding OrthoChiro. She was the first chiropractor in Canada to use the SpineCor® Dynamic Corrective Brace for the treatment of scoliosis, which she has since been using for new therapeutic applications including adult scoliosis and hyperkyphosis. With clinical experience combining several influences, she is currently working on the development of OrthoLordology, OrthoCyphology and OrthoScoliology, techniques aimed at restoring the natural curvatures of the spine. Since 2010, she has been co-founder of Month Of Scoliosis, in November of each year at UQTR where she lectures on clinical management and conservative treatment of scoliosis to the chiropractic profession.
Dr. Chantal Doucet
(in charge of organizing the event from 2010 to 2015)
Dr. Chantal Doucet is a chiropractor graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College of Toronto in 1985. She has two main feilds of interest in her practice : paediatrics and chiropractic care for pregnant women. She was involved in the early beginnings of the Chiropractic Program at UQTR as a supervisor at the student clinic. She is now a candidate for a Masters degree in clinical sciences at Université de Sherbrooke. She is responsible for making Month of Scoliosis possible at the student clinic every year since 2009 with the precious help of Dre Louise Marcotte.
Dr. Pascale Dion
(Teaching assistant during the workshops from 2010 to 2013)
A few years after graduating from the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières (UQTR) in 2002, Dr. Dion chose to focus on the correction of posture and spinal deformity through CBP® methods and the use of the SpineCor® dynamic brace. Dr. Dion was involved in the Continuing Education Committee at the College of Chiropractors of Quebec (OCQ). She was a lecturer and speaker at UQTR with the OCQ. She instructed her peers in the diagnosis of scoliosis and taught posture correction. She is currently in the process of obtaining two certificates: CBP® Advanced and the Eat Well - Move Well - Think Well® License. In her practice, Dr. Dion emphasizes the importance of family values and, within her own family, strives to maintain a lifestyle in harmony with the chiropractic natural health principles. An avid traveler, she is a strong supporter of local organic produce and an aspiring yogi.
Francis Gagnon
(Teaching assistant during the workshops in 2014)
Francis Gagnon has received his degree in physiotherapy from the University of Montreal in 2003 and has practiced for 6 years in a physiotherapy clinic in Drummondville. He then moved to Mont Saint-Hilaire on the south shore of Montreal where he has built a solid reputation. Self employed known as Physio FG, Francis is a passionate health professional who likes challenges. Always at the forefront of new therapeutic practices, he has taken several post-graduate trainings in order to offer patients a wider range of treatment options and services: First Aid, Global Postural Re-education (RPG), Strain counter-strain, Cervical Stability, completed 2 years in Osteopathy, Level 1 manual therapy, Level A Mackenzie.
Dre Janelle Authier
(Teaching assistant during the workshops from 2010 to 2017)
She graduated from the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières since 2012, and a member of the Quebec Association of Chiropractors. She obtained her certification in Biophysical Chiropractic (CBP) in 2015. She believes that it is a unique technique to create an effective partnership between the doctor and her patients in order to enable them to regain health by reaching a vertebral alignment as close as possible to normality. Dr. Authier is pleased to offer her professional expertise in the remodeling of the posture and deformities of the spine such as scoliosis. Patients regularly consult her for migraines, headaches, back pain, neck pain, sciatica problems, disc herniation, numbness, posture problems, scoliosis, inner ear ache, musculo-skeletal disorders, skeletal disorders associated with birth and / or pregnancy, etc.